Category talk:L20 Weapons

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Quickening and Fists of Fury aren't L20 weapons. They're close, but they seem to have been made with a different template. Quickening, Forgotten Past, and Windslicer looks like they just have the wrong level requirement but are otherwise L20s. I'm not sure of the other new additions.

Yomi 16:00, 1 October 2010 (UTC)

I'm inclined to believe Quickening has an errant extra damage dice for its exotic type (which fixing should drop it back to L20) and, since gloves cannot be the target of GMW, Fists of Fury (as with any monk gloves) need to have a level appropriate amount of +AB. Aside from that, the damage type distribution matches the L20 weapons, and these two were the only matches for their weapon type when I was cross-referencing the existing items to see what was missing at each tier.

Balduvard 19:33, 2 October 2010 (UTC)

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