Hendron's Sanctuary

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Abode of the sorcerer Hendron the Experimenter (level 23 accomplishment (see Accomplishments)) and his minions.


Rest Spawn Chance



  • Deck of Hazards - Note: An item for the gamblers out there although some of the effects it generates can be extremely unpleasant/terminal and none of the beneficial effects are good enough to justify the risks of using it.

A character may choose to draw 1, 2, or 3 cards from this deck. Once this decision is made (by activating the corresponding "draw card" item property), the cards are drawn, their effects applied, then that deck is removed from the game. Some cards are beneficial, others detrimental. The first card drawn is random. If more cards are to be drawn, they then alternate between positive and negative results. This is subject to a few restrictions, though. Some cards are not always applicable and no card may be drawn more than once by a character.
Do not use it if you have anything in your inventory that you want to keep YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!


  • Apprentice
  • Adept
  • Engineered Soldier
  • Magical Creature
  • Mutant Creature
  • Hendron


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