Magic Fang

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Caster Level: Druid 1; Ranger 1

Innate Level: 1

School: Transmutation


Component(s): Verbal, Somatic

Range: Personal

Save: None

Spell Resistance: No

Area of Effect/Target: Caster


Description: This spell strengthens the caster's animal companion, giving it +1 to hit and +1 to damage. It also grants the creature the ability to strike as if it were a +1 weapon (so it can bypass other creatures' damage reduction). The Magic Fang spell, when cast by a Druid or Ranger, now grants you a damage bonus equal to the average of your Dexterity and Wisdom modifier with melee weapons, minus your current Strength modifier, for one turn per caster level (the bonus will never be negative). For Stormlords, this damage bonus is instead equal to +1 per casterlevel over 40. This bonus does not stack with Divine Might.


The bonus damage (reported as magical damage) is from a damage increase effect, so it ignores both damage resistance and damage immunity.
In addition to the stated benefits, the animal companion gets 1/+1 damage reduction.
This spell displaces earlier castings of itself and of greater magic fang.
The bonus damage calculation for Stormlords reflects the bonus damage previously granted by Storm Avatar (the special Stormlord version of Storm of Vengeance).

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