Mass Cure Moderate Wounds

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Caster Level: Bard 5; Cleric 5; Druid 6

Innate Level: 5

School: Conjuration


Component(s): Verbal, somatic

Range: Short

Save: Reflex negates, Will 1/2

Spell Resistance: Yes

Additional Counter Spells: Mass Inflict Moderate Wounds

Area of Effect/Target: Medium

Duration: Instant

Description: The target creatures are healed for (Heal skill / 2)d8 + CL damage, with a minimum of 2d8 and a maximum CL bonus of +10. When used for healing purposes, increases to d10s at CL21 and d12s at CL41.


Healing spells have a reverse effect on undead, harming instead of healing them. targets who would be harmed by this spell receive a Reflex save to avoid it entirely, with Clerics receiving a +2 DC for Greater, Epic, legendary and Paragon Spell Focus Conjuration.

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