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Pharlan 36 bard / 3 pally /1 figther

Str: 14 -->19 (after sub) Dex: 14 Con: 14 Int: 14 Wis: 8 Char 14 -->18 (after sub)

1) curse song 3) SF Enchant 6) SF Ill 7) Blind fight 9) GR SF Enchant 12) WF light flail 15) imp crit 18) Gr SF ill 21) Epic WF light flail 24) Epic Prowess 27) Armor skin 30) lasting inspiration 33) Gr str +Gr Cha 36) Gr str +Gr Cha 39)Gr str +Gr Cha

LL Lvl : Craft armor didn't have any good opinions left ) Legendary WF Legendary Ill ESF Illusion ESF Enchanment Gr str Gr str All points into str

points into: disc,listen parry tumble (and got some points in Craft armor and Taunt)

At lvl 60 i got:

Str: 50 Dex: 26 Con: 26 Int: 26 Wis: 24 Char 42

Fortitude:69 Reflex:70 Will:69 HP:736 80% Conseal. Used the trans pandect.

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