The Sage

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The Sage of Ascension assists and advises adventures on their way to seeking immortality. He will send you to The Abyss, the first area for the Immortal run if you talk to him whilst having the six required books in your possession. Note: If you do not have the Immortal Crown you will not be able to complete the run.
He will also translate a Ssithrak document allowing you to use the Translation Rod to activate the portal to the Ssithrak dimension.
The Sage has the ability to grant you up to five charges for your Ring of the Planar Traveler (for a price) if you find you are short of these need to go on a run where they are required and do not yet have access to The Workshop.
The Sage can also (in return for ten Arcane Research Crystals) allow a level 80 character (spontaneous caster Bard, Sorcerer) access to the Spell Change Pedestal in the Docks of Ascension to change their spells.


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