Dwarven Warchanter

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The Dwarven Warchanter quasiclass combines the rock-solid defence of the Dwarven Defender with the inspirational songs of the Bard. By counting Dwarven Defender levels as Bard levels for the purposes of some spells, and as partial bard levels for song, the normal downsides of taking so many non-bard levels are largely offset.


Warchanter Requirements

To qualify for Dwarven Warchanter the character must have 10 levels of Bard, 16 levels of Dwarven Defender, Still Spell, and Weapon Focus (Light Mace OR Light Hammer OR Heavy Mace OR Heavy Flail) before level 28.


  • Upon achieving level 40, the Dwarven Warchanter may receive certain Chants which replicate epic spells.
  • Warchanters count half their Dwarven Defender levels towards bard song and curse song.
  • Warchanters receive the a free Weapon Specialization in one Warchanter weapon.
  • Warchanters get Automatic Still Spell II

Warchanter Abilities

Epic Chants

  • Upon achieving level 40, the Dwarven Warchanter may receive certain Chants which replicate epic spells. To actually cast any of these epic spells, the Warchanter must have at least 16 base Charisma.
  • If he has at least 12 levels of Bard, he receives the Chant of Battle (Instruments of Faith). If he has at least 18 levels of Bard, he receives the Chant of Steel (Girding of the Faithful). If he has at least 24 levels of Bard, he receives the Chant of the Fallen (will bring up to 3 party members back from Fugue or Limbo, with a 20-minute cooldown).
  • If he has at least 18 levels of Dwarven Defender, he receives the Chant of Countering (Death of Magic). If he has at least 24 levels of Dwarven Defender, he receives the Chant of Stone (Dust to Dust). If he has at least 30 levels of Dwarven Defender, he receives the Chant of the Unyielding (Chant of Warding).


  • The Dwarven Warchanter adds half his dwarven defender level (including legendary levels if control class is dwarven defender) to his bard level for the purposes of calculating Bard Song and Curse Song effects.

Weapon Specialization

  • On achieving Dwarven Warchanter status at level 26 or 27, the Warchanter receives Weapon Specialization in the weapon he has focus in.


  • Modified spells (marked with *)
    • Balagarn's Iron Horn (7/6 of DD level added)
    • Joyful Noise (grants Silence immunity for 1 turn instead)
    • Sound Burst (7/6 of DD level added; causes deafness on failed Fortitude save)
    • Displacement:
      • When cast on self it grants as much concealment as Wizard's Ethereal Visage as long as you wear Robes or Light armour
    • Haste (Grants target +1 attack per round - can be cast on others)
    • Hold Monster (petrifies foes; treated as Transmutation; DC increased by DD class level / 3, not including LL)
    • Neutralize Poison (grants poison immunity for 1 round/level)
    • War Cry (DC increased by 2 and grants allies a +10 bonus against knockdown checks). Grants Critical immunity.
    • Mass Haste (treated as Evocation; casts a Large Earthquake effect at the targeted location; DC increased by 2)

Note: To access metamagic spells using level 7 slots (people quite often take Extend Spell for longer duration if they have a spare feat) you will need the following - !enhmode must be switched on for the character in question, you must have a base casting stat (Charisma in the case of Dwarven Warchanters) of 17 and you must be wearing gear with added level 7 slots.

Types of Dwarven Warchanter

  • Strength Chanter: STR Uni-tank Chanter. Open Subrace: Azer ChieftainUsually with DwD CC to get Str mod to physical immunity. They are played as tanks that have useful epics and backup bard abilities. Some may or may not focus on maximum Strength mod for DC.
  • Dexter Chanter Usually with Bard CC, these chanters keep high AC, Concealment and High DC based on Dex
  • Utility Chanter Ford's STR Chanter Usually with Bard CC, these chanters employ their unique abilities and combat feats like OC/DC, usually being able to replace the most essential bard's abilities but completely disregarding DC for their own spells

See Also

Dwarven Warchanter Build Forums

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