Elemental Shield

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Caster Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 4

Innate Level: 4

School: Evocation

Descriptor(s): Cold, Fire

Component(s): Verbal, Somatic

Range: Personal

Save: None

Spell Resistance:

Area of Effect/Target: Caster

Duration: 1 Round / level

Description: The caster is surrounded by a ring of Fire that damages all opponents who make a successful melee attack on the caster. The damage inflicted is 1d6, +1 point per caster level. The caster also gains 50% immunity to Cold and Fire.


When cast by a Bloodfire Mage the duration is multiplied by 10.
When cast by a Dragonstorm Mage the duration is multiplied by 10 and provides Electrical / Sonic immunity and Electrical kickback.
The Fire version of this spell does not function underwater.
Casting the Electrical version of this spell underwater is inadvisable as it will electrocute the caster and any other party members due to the conductivity of this element.

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