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Caster Level: Druid 4; Sorcerer/Wizard 4; Cleric with earth domain 4, good domain 4, magic domain 4, strength domain 5

Innate Level: 4

School: Abjuration (Evocation when cast by a Bloodfire Mage or Dragonstorm Mage) Descriptor(s):

Component(s): Verbal, Somatic

Range: Touch

Save: Harmless

Spell Resistance: No

Area of Effect/Target: Single

Duration: 1 Hour / level

Description: This spell grants the target creature damage reduction 10/+5. Receives +1 soak power for LSF Transmutation, to a maximum of +15.
At CL20 the damage absorption limit increases to (CL * 15), and soak scales with CL as shown below:

CL Soak
1 10/+5
20 10/+6
24 10/+7
28 10/+8
32 10/+9
36 10/+10
40 10/+11
42 11/+11
44 12/+11
45 12/+12
46 13/+12
48 14/+12
50 15/+13
52 16/+13
54 17/+13
55 17/+14
56 18/+14
58 19/+14
60 20/+15


This spell displaces earlier castings of itself.
Since creature weapons have special treatment with regards to penetrating damage reduction, this spell can be used to enhance the ability of many summoned (and polymorphed) creatures to penetrate the damage reduction of others. (Having X/+5 damage reduction allows attacks with creature weapons to pierce others' damage reduction as a +5 weapon.)

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