Template talk:Rand

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See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Rand for a little more general function to use. It lets one get different seeds for different random values on the same page.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Wikipedia_ads has some interesting ideas.

Here's another wacky little find: Use Random Image. Unfortunately it'll often be a loot item.

The http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:RandomImage randomimage extension would seem to give a really straightforward way to get a random image from a given list. I'm unclear on how to use it.

-- Yomi

I think it seems to be working to some extent at the moment. Since I've just copied and pasted it from another wiki it could be a bit buggy :). The Screenshots page shows a single image out of the 12 sample images I've already put in it, and should change of it's own accord every few days. I've put the mainpage back in the Sandbox to test it out but I'm not sure it's working properly. Before Screenshots had chosen the Erinyes picture, which then showed in the Sandbox, but now Screenshots has changed to the Orthon picture (don't know why) and the Sandbox is still showing the Erinyes picture. Not sure what is going on but will muck around more after work.

Assuming this system works, we can adapt it to do the featured articles by having a another 'Screenshots' archive page except with Wiki links in place of screenshots. To generate 3 articles each time we could create three pools of links or something similar.


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