The Abyss

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The first area on the Immortal Run, lots of Outsiders to remove before progressing. Babau do 100 acid kickback per hit so using multi hit spells on them is not advisable unless you have full immunity/resistance. Unless somebody in your party has a way of gusting the fire that blocks your path at one point you'll also need significant fire immunity. It is also a good idea to gust the red and green clouds produced by Hezrou & Glabrezu as they have some irritating effects and can cause significant lag if they build up.


Level Lockout

Level 41 (or above) characters entering this area will prevent the accomplishment being given until the server resets, a warning message to indicate this will be repeatedly displayed whilst you are in the area.

Rest Spawn Chance

Resting in this area is not possible without use of a Ring of the Planar Traveler.


  • Shadow Demon - Can be instakilled with Sunburst
  • Nycaloth - Can be killed with CS/MS
  • Babau - 100 Acid KB per hit can be killed with CS/MS
  • Vrock - Can be killed with CS/MS
  • Marilith - Have a habit of chasing casters use Bigby 7/9 to prevent this
  • Hezrou - Can be killed with CS/MS
  • Glabrezu


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