Bane Knight
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Bane Knight (Sorcerer/Blackguard)
- Legendary BAB: +15 for Blackguard CC or +9 for Sorcerer CC
Must have 12 levels of Sorcerer, 12 levels of Blackguard, and the Still Spell feat before level 26.
On achieving Bane Knight status at level 24 or 25, the character is automatically given the 3 Epic Auto Still Spell feats for free, allowing them to cast spells while wearing armor with no risk of arcane spell failure.
Spell DCs for certain spells (those listed below) are equal to 10 + spell level STR modifier
Caster levels for those same spells are equal to Sorcerer level + Blackguard level.
All other spells follow standard rules for caster level and dc, relying on Sorcerer levels only and using CHA instead of STR to calculate DC.
BKs get a bonus to spell penetration of strength modifier/4. This bonus does not stack with spell penetration feats.
BKs also get a spell penetration bonus of 1 for every 6 Paragon Levels (+3 total).
Spells affected by Blackguard level and STR modifier:
- A Bane Knight may change their spells once at level 60 using the Spells Pedestal in the docks if their control class is NOT Sorcerer.
Other Changes
Bigby's Clenched Fist - Bane Knights add half their caster modifier plus 1 per Evocation focus to the AB for the Bigby's Clenched Fist spell, unless the AB they would receive from Evocation foci alone would be better. Now deals half the normal amount of bludgeoning damage, and deals the same amount of vile damage in addition.
Premonition - Bane Knights get a special version of the Premonition spell. They are able to cast it while wearing armor heavier than cloth and/or while using a shield, unlike Sorcerers.
Bigby's Crushing Hand - BKs now add (caster level/10)d4 + 8 vile damage to bigby 9 repeating damage.
Wrack is now a BK spell.
At character level 60, Vampiric Touch is now a medium area-of-effect spell for BKs.
Even though Legendary control-class Blackguard characters receive +4 Charisma during Legendary Levels, this won't allow you to learn higher levels spells from the sorcerer list using the spell pedestal, if you character couldn't do so before receiving any stat bonuses during Legendary Levels.
Tips for Building and Playing
Works very well as a Bigby's caster. Good method is to grab foes, and then rush in to melee. Has a good selection of full power self buffs including Flame Weapon, Shock Weapon and Frost Weapon
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