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A Permanent DrainA Position of StrengthA Stick in the Eye
A Stinking TrailA Strange DeathA Twilight Pall
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Abandoned Farm HouseAbandoned Farm House CellarAbandoned Mine
Abandoned TempleAbandoned Temple Level 1Abandoned Temple Level 2
Abandoned Temple Level 3Abandoned TreehouseAbandoned to Ice
AbbreviationsAbhorrent ColdAbhorrent Vacuum
Abi-Dalzim's Vile DeviceAbility Checks
Abishai ClawAbjurationAbjurer's Bane
Aboleths LoreAbyssAbyss Mord/Breach Guide
Abyssal Assassin's AugmenterAbyssal Avenger's AugmenterAbyssal Berserker's Augmenter
Abyssal Bishop's AugmenterAbyssal Craftsman's AugmenterAbyssal Crusader's Augmenter
Abyssal Field Marshal's AugmenterAbyssal Girdle
Abyssal Magician's AugmenterAbyssal Minstrel's AugmenterAbyssal Monast's Augmenter
Abyssal MushroomAbyssal Overlord's AugmenterAbyssal Pathfinder's Augmenter
Abyssal Potion of Resinous GraspAbyssal Potion of Stygian DefenseAbyssal Rebel's Augmenter
Abyssal RetortAbyssal Scholar's AugmenterAbyssal Shaman's Augmenter
Abyssal SplinterAbyssal Surgeon's AugmenterAbyssal Swashbuckler's Augmenter
Abyssal Swordsman's AugmenterAbyssal Tactician's AugmenterAbyssal Usurper's Augmenter
AccomplishmentsAccursed Pariah
Accusing StatueAcid Fog
Acid SplashAcidic Cinder CoronetAcidic Suppuration
Acolyte of the MorninglordAcrobat's AugmenterAdroit Augmenter
AelfbornAftershockAgium Eragus
Ahala's ArcAidAinafea's Masterwork Belt
Air RuvokaAir Weird EssenceAk'Chazar Rakshasa
Akuna Makai
Al-Fazab's AugmenterAl-Salak Camel SlayerAlchemist
Alderson's CorseletAleithian DwarfAlhanna's Augmenter
Aligned to Different SidesAlignment ChangeAlkilith Slime Coated Cover
All Bleed AwayAllegroAlterant Bulwark
Alu-FiendAmber WardAmbidexterity
AmirAmnizu's Touch
Amnizu EyeAmorian BerriesAmorian Drape
AmplifyAmulet of Adaptation
Amulet of Axeria ImperiaAmulet of Axeria Imperia - BardAmulet of Axeria Imperia - Cleric
Amulet of Axeria Imperia - DruidAmulet of Axeria Imperia - SorcererAmulet of Axeria Imperia - Wizard
Amulet of EramusAmulet of Erul Zaar
Amulet of Hadean Power BardAmulet of Hadean Power ClericAmulet of Hadean Power Druid
Amulet of Hadean Power SorcererAmulet of Hadean Power WizardAmulet of Jialonna
Amulet of Ordered MalevolenceAmulet of OsyngarAmulet of Unbroken Balance
Amulet of the Arch PriestAmulet of the Axerian Grandmaster (Cleric)Amulet of the Axerian Grandmaster (Sorcerer)
Amulet of the Axerian Grandmaster (Wizard)Amulet of the Darkest DepthsAmulet of the Immortal
Amulet of the Legendary DefenderAmulet of the PharoahAmulet of the Raised Fist
An'ywen's HookAnarch
Anbaric LanceAnchorAncient's Lair
Ancient CaveAncient Tomb
Ancient Warrior's EssenceAncient dragon bloodAnduins Chapel
Angel's ChargeAngry Augmenter
Animate DeadAnimosityAnklets of the Sheinja
Anklets of the TartarianAnthem of Despair
Antilife GrenadesAntimagic RayAntinomy
AntipathyApport ArcaneAppraising Touch
Aquan BrainstemAquatic ElfArakin's Casement
Arakin's FavorArcadian FireArcane Academy
Arcane ArcherArcane Archer Bows
Arcane ArchiveArcane BowArcane Lustre
Arcane Volt GuardArcane spells with no somatic componentArcanist's Assay
Arctic Assault CrossbowArctic BladeArctic Dwarf
Arctic EnclaveArctic EnclosureArctic Field
Arctic ForestArctic RefugeArctic Scout Crossbow
Arctic ValleyArctic WastesArea Example
Area WeaponsArea level listArea of effect
Arf's AvengerArgentate
Aria of the UnfalteringAriasArka's Guards
Arm of the CinderscaleArmament of AvernusArmand
Armor ShopArmor classArmor of Solis
Armor of the AncientslayerArowynn's Acclaim
Arowynn's CircleArrows of WastingArtaaglith Eye
Artificer's Gloves
Artificer's Monograph: Armor RestorationArtificer's Monograph: Augment DestructionArtificer's Monograph: Augment Extraction
Artificer's Monograph: Item NormalizationArtificer's Monograph: Property ReconfigurationArtificer's Monograph: Property Removal
Artificer's Monograph: Property RestorationArtist's Bo StickAscension High Priest
Ascension SewerAscoAshen Shugar's Lifethread
Ashley's RipperAsmodeus' TouchAssassin
Assassin's AugmenterAssassin Spells
Assay ResistanceAstral DuskAtlas
AtomieAtomie Shortbow
Attack BonusAttack bonus capAttacks per round
Attempted LinkAudacious ProvocationAudible Thud
Augmenter of Acid RepulsionAugmenter of BiofeedbackAugmenter of Blow Absorption
Augmenter of Burning HowlsAugmenter of Burning IceAugmenter of Charged Corrosion
Augmenter of Cold RepulsionAugmenter of Echoed BileAugmenter of Electrical Repulsion
Augmenter of FallAugmenter of Fiery BoltsAugmenter of Fire Repulsion
Augmenter of Focused AbjuringAugmenter of Focused DiviningAugmenter of Focused Enchanting
Augmenter of Focused EvokingAugmenter of Focused FascinatingAugmenter of Focused Necromancing
Augmenter of Frozen VenomAugmenter of Greater DiviningAugmenter of Greater Necromancy
Augmenter of Icy FrictionAugmenter of Masterful Light Crossbow-WorkAugmenter of Masterful Long Sword-Work
Augmenter of Masterful SlingingAugmenter of Masterful Staff-WorkAugmenter of Masterful Transmuting
Augmenter of Potent CastingAugmenter of Precision Assassin Dagger-WorkAugmenter of Precision Battle Axe-Work
Augmenter of Precision Club-WorkAugmenter of Precision Dagger-WorkAugmenter of Precision Dart Throwing
Augmenter of Precision Dire Mace-WorkAugmenter of Precision Double Axe-WorkAugmenter of Precision Double Pick-Work
Augmenter of Precision Double Scimitar-WorkAugmenter of Precision Goad-WorkAugmenter of Precision Great Sword-Work
Augmenter of Precision Halberd-WorkAugmenter of Precision Hand Axe-WorkAugmenter of Precision Kama-Work
Augmenter of Precision Katana-WorkAugmenter of Precision Kukri-WorkAugmenter of Precision Light Crossbow-Work
Augmenter of Precision Light Pick-WorkAugmenter of Precision Long Sword-WorkAugmenter of Precision Nunchaku-Work
Augmenter of Precision Sap-WorkAugmenter of Precision Scimtar-WorkAugmenter of Precision Scythe-Work
Augmenter of Precision Short Sword-WorkAugmenter of Precision Shortbow-WorkAugmenter of Precision Shruiken Throwing
Augmenter of Precision Sickle-WorkAugmenter of Precision Staff-WorkAugmenter of Precision Striking
Augmenter of Precision Throwing Axe-WorkAugmenter of Precision War Hammer-WorkAugmenter of Precision Wind Fire Wheel-Work
Augmenter of SeasonsAugmenter of Skilled Assassin Dagger-WorkAugmenter of Skilled Club-Work
Augmenter of Skilled Great Sword-WorkAugmenter of Skilled Light Crossbow-WorkAugmenter of Skilled Striking
Augmenter of Skilled Two-Bladed Sword-WorkAugmenter of Skilled War Hammer-WorkAugmenter of Sonic Repulsion
Augmenter of SpringAugmenter of SummerAugmenter of Thunderous Claps
Augmenter of Vitreous BurningAugmenter of WinterAugmenter of Wintry Blasts
Augmenter of the AbolethAugmenter of the AcolyteAugmenter of the Adept Ape
Augmenter of the Adept SpiderAugmenter of the Adept TortoiseAugmenter of the Alert
Augmenter of the ArchmagusAugmenter of the Astute HareAugmenter of the Astute Silkworm
Augmenter of the AttentiveAugmenter of the BardAugmenter of the Blade
Augmenter of the BloodedAugmenter of the BrigandAugmenter of the Buzzard
Augmenter of the Cautious EagleAugmenter of the Cautious FerretAugmenter of the Cautious Hound
Augmenter of the Cautious MothAugmenter of the Cautious SilkwormAugmenter of the Cautious Thrush
Augmenter of the ChannelerAugmenter of the ClubAugmenter of the Combat Magus
Augmenter of the ComposerAugmenter of the CruelAugmenter of the Crusader
Augmenter of the DaggerAugmenter of the Devious Eagle
Augmenter of the DivaAugmenter of the Dual-WielderAugmenter of the Duelist
Augmenter of the EagleAugmenter of the EnvoyAugmenter of the Falcon
Augmenter of the FallenAugmenter of the FlailAugmenter of the Forest's Defender
Augmenter of the FriarAugmenter of the FrogAugmenter of the Frugal Tortoise
Augmenter of the GeneralAugmenter of the GleemanAugmenter of the Gopher
Augmenter of the GreatswordAugmenter of the GuideAugmenter of the Guileful Ape
Augmenter of the Guileful MantisAugmenter of the HammerAugmenter of the Hawk
Augmenter of the Hearkening ChargerAugmenter of the Hearkening FerretAugmenter of the Hearkening Parrot
Augmenter of the HeirophantAugmenter of the HeroAugmenter of the Hunter
Augmenter of the Intent AntAugmenter of the Intent ChameleonAugmenter of the Intent Crow
Augmenter of the Intent FerretAugmenter of the Intent HareAugmenter of the Intent Mantis
Augmenter of the Intent MothAugmenter of the Intent RaccoonAugmenter of the Intent Thrush
Augmenter of the IntuitAugmenter of the JesterAugmenter of the Keeper
Augmenter of the KillerAugmenter of the KnifeAugmenter of the Kukri
Augmenter of the LanceAugmenter of the Learned ApeAugmenter of the Learned Hare
Augmenter of the Learned HoundAugmenter of the Learned MantisAugmenter of the Learned Mouse
Augmenter of the Learned ThrushAugmenter of the LizardAugmenter of the Mace
Augmenter of the MagusAugmenter of the MaulAugmenter of the Minstrel
Augmenter of the MoleAugmenter of the MyrmidonAugmenter of the Newt
Augmenter of the OozeAugmenter of the PackratAugmenter of the Performer
Augmenter of the Persuasive SilkwormAugmenter of the Practiced ApeAugmenter of the Practiced Mantis
Augmenter of the Practiced TortoiseAugmenter of the Prepared ChargerAugmenter of the Preserver
Augmenter of the Quiet ApeAugmenter of the Quiet DoveAugmenter of the Quiet Hare
Augmenter of the Quiet MockingbirdAugmenter of the Quiet SpiderAugmenter of the Robust Crow
Augmenter of the Robust MantisAugmenter of the Robust MouseAugmenter of the Roc
Augmenter of the SalamanderAugmenter of the ShamblerAugmenter of the Singer
Augmenter of the SkirmisherAugmenter of the SpearAugmenter of the Squire
Augmenter of the StakeAugmenter of the StalkerAugmenter of the Stalwart Ape
Augmenter of the Stalwart HoundAugmenter of the Stalwart ParrotAugmenter of the Stalwart Stag
Augmenter of the Stealthy FleaAugmenter of the Stealthy MantisAugmenter of the Stealthy Parrot
Augmenter of the Stealthy RaccoonAugmenter of the Stealthy StagAugmenter of the Stealthy Tortoise
Augmenter of the Swaggering ApeAugmenter of the Swaggering MantisAugmenter of the Swaggering Tortoise
Augmenter of the SwashbucklerAugmenter of the SwordAugmenter of the Tainted
Augmenter of the Talented ChargerAugmenter of the Talented SpiderAugmenter of the Templar
Augmenter of the Thieving ApeAugmenter of the TridentAugmenter of the Troll
Augmenter of the TurtleAugmenter of the VeteranAugmenter of the Vigilant Eagle
Augmenter of the Vigilant FleaAugmenter of the Vigilant MockingbirdAugmenter of the Vigilant Moth
Augmenter of the Vigilant ParrotAugmenter of the VileAugmenter of the Warcaster
Augmenter of the WarlordAugmenter of the WaryAugmenter of the Watchful
Augmenter of the Watchful DoveAugmenter of the Watchful MantisAugmenter of the Watchful Spider
Augmenter of the Watchful TortoiseAugmenter of the WeaponmasterAugmenter of the Wicked
Augmenter of the Wild ApeAugmenter of the Wild ConchAugmenter of the Wild Eagle
Augmenter of the Wild MockingbirdAugmenter of the Wild ThrushAugmenter of the Wizard
Augmenter of the WormAugmenter of the XornAugmenters
Aura Versus AlignmentAura of AnhurAura of Glory
Aura of VitalityAuran GlandsAutocaster
Av's AvengerAvenger's AugmenterAverial
Avernan EmberstoneAvernian Dragonblood Flowers - BlueAvernian Dragonblood Flowers - Prismatic
Avernian Dragonblood Flowers - RedAvernoAvernus
AwakenAwakened AuguryAxe of Nessus
Axe of the HeraldsAxe of the MasterAxe of the Sentinel
Axerian Matrix
Axis ErundiaAzer
Azzagrat Woodsman's Axe
Baalzebul's GoldBaatezu PlateBaator's Embrace
Baatorian FistBaatorian Green steel barBabbling Fish
BackspawnBadlander Halfling
Bag of BeesBahamut's RuinationBakchuda's Basher
Balagarn's BarrierBalagarn's Iron HornBalagarns Iron Horn
Balance-saving Augmenter
Balanced MoonsBalefire SealBaleweed
Ball LightningBallastweedBand of Anubis
Band of BellaynishBand of Caustic HungerBand of Cyriam
Band of KogolorBand of Min
Band of NaklenBand of Shaamros Gellantara
Band of the Dark QueenBanditBandit Archer
Bandit CampBandit ChiefBandit Mage
Bandit RogueBandolier of Bountiful Acidburn DartsBandolier of Bountiful Assassin's Assails
Bandolier of Bountiful Blitz DartsBandolier of Bountiful Cold DartsBandolier of Bountiful Forked Tongues
BaneBane Knight
Bane of SpellcastersBaneblast's Wing
BanishmentBank of WaukeenBanker
BanshraeBar of D'qariteBarbarian
Barbarian Fast MovementBarbaric Yawp
Barbazu's WrapBarbazu Ear
BardBard Song
Bardic VestmentsBarkskinBarn
BartenderBase AugmenterBase attack bonus
Baseborn TitanBasic FeetBasidio
Bastard Sword Wielder's AugmenterBasti's BarriersBastion of Cormyr
Bastion of Ungorth ReddikBastion of the Fallen Lord
Battle Axe Wielder's AugmenterBattle BootsBattle Boots +10
BattleragerBattlerager Bliss
Battlerager HammerBattletideBauphin's Bulwark
Beacon of AzzagratBead of Ralishaz
Bear's PawBecause Less is MoreBeetle-Waxed Hide
Beetle CaveBeginner Pale Master Guide
Beginning to ScreamBeholder Prison
Beldoin's SpellturnerBell of Ashirn
Bellamin ConeBellicose AugmenterBelt of Agility +10
Belt of Agility +9Belt of AnuarBelt of Bestial Resilience
Belt of Eternal PreservationBelt of Legendary Resilience
Belt of NarendilBelt of Transient PreservationBelt of the Axerian Battlecaster (Cleric)
Belt of the Axerian Battlecaster (Sorcerer)Belt of the Axerian Battlecaster (Wizard)Belt of the Axerian Grandmaster (Bard)
Belt of the Axerian Grandmaster (Cleric)Belt of the Axerian Grandmaster (Druid)Belt of the Axerian Grandmaster (Sorcerer)
Belt of the Axerian Grandmaster (Wizard)Belt of the ImmortalBelt of the Titan
Belt of the WarmasterBender
BenedictionBerserker's AugmenterBestial Harmony
Bestiary: AbolethsBestiary: AbyssBestiary: Abyss/ABPV
Bestiary: Abyss/DemonsBestiary: Abyss/HumanoidsBestiary: Abyss/Other
Bestiary: Arcane ArchiveBestiary: Black PyramidBestiary: Catacombs of Dulvuroth
Bestiary: DesertBestiary: Elemental Plane of AirBestiary: Elemental Plane of Earth
Bestiary: Elemental Plane of FireBestiary: Elemental Plane of WaterBestiary: Elemental Planes
Bestiary: ElysiumBestiary: ExampleBestiary: Feywild
Bestiary: HellsBestiary: HiveBestiary: Limbo
Bestiary: Locathah DepthsBestiary: ManataklossBestiary: Maze of the Ancients
Bestiary: Myconid DepthsBestiary: OinosBestiary: Penumbra
Bestiary: Pit of MoliationBestiary: RonaBestiary: Ssithraks
Bestiary: ToyshopBestiary: TragidoreBestiary: Uroboros Peak
Bestiary: Zorbgot's HiveBestow CurseBetrayal
Beyond Ultra-Rare Subrace
Bhaalus BaneBiding TimeBigby's Clenched Fist
Bigby's Crushing HandBigby's Forceful HandBigby's Grasping Hand
Bigby's Interposing HandBilefang
Bilestone BarBilestone ShieldBilgefester's Locket
Bio-Interface BracersBiorejuvenatorBiorevivifier
Bishop's AugmenterBitter Talons
Black Belt of the Dim Mak MasterBlack Blade of DisasterBlack Iron Bar
Black Pearl's GraceBlack Powder BarrelBlack Pudding Pseudopod
Black PyramidBlack Pyramid - Annex of the SealBlack Pyramid - Entrance
Blackflame PlateBlackfrostBlackguard
BlackstaffBlackstaff's Augmenter
Blackstaff's BlessingBladeBlade Barrier
Blade Thirst
Blade of the Dark TemplarsBlade of the Death Dealer
Blade of the Emperor
BladeturnerBladeweed LeafBlasto
Blazebolt's EyeBlazing Augmenter
Blazon of SeluneBless
Bless WeaponBlessed BequestBlessed Silence
Blessing of NephirisBlindness/DeafnessBlistering Radiance
Blood FrenzyBlood Sport
Blood of DachyBlood of Ssssy'is
Blood of TorilBlood of UroborosBlood of Veiros
Bloodfire MageBloodsilk Belt
Bloodstained BootsBloodthirstBloodward
BluntblockerBoat RampBoccob's Augmenter
Boil LancerBoltblockerBombardment
BombilationBonding ResinBonds of Decay
Bonus Class SubracesBook of Bones
Book of Races, Air RuvokaBook of Races, Ak'Chazar Rakshasa
Book of Races, Aleithian DwarfBook of Races, Alu-FiendBook of Races, Anarch
Book of Races, ArmandBook of Races, AtomieBook of Races, Banshrae
Book of Races, Baseborn TitanBook of Races, BattleragerBook of Races, Brownie
Book of Races, BuommanBook of Races, CambionBook of Races, Chaos Gnome
Book of Races, Corrupter of FateBook of Races, Dao-kinBook of Races, Deathless
Book of Races, DoppelgangerBook of Races, Dracotaur
Book of Races, DragonbloodedBook of Races, Dream DwarfBook of Races, Drow Noble
Book of Races, ErinyesBook of Races, FallenBook of Races, Fallen Angel
Book of Races, Favored of GruumshBook of Races, Favored of MielikkiBook of Races, Favored of Primus
Book of Races, Favored of SolonorBook of Races, FurchinBook of Races, Genie
Book of Races, Gith PrecursorBook of Races, God-Blooded
Book of Races, Half-CelestialBook of Races, Half-Cloud GiantBook of Races, Half-Cyclops
Book of Races, Half-DjinniBook of Races, Half-DogaiBook of Races, Half-Efreeti
Book of Races, Half-EladrinBook of Races, Half-ExcruciarchBook of Races, Half-Fiend
Book of Races, Half-GoliathBook of Races, Half-GuardinalBook of Races, Half-Janni
Book of Races, Half-KytonBook of Races, Half-LillendBook of Races, Half-Molydeus
Book of Races, Half-Ogre MageBook of Races, Half-Storm ArchonBook of Races, Half-Sword Archon
Book of Races, Hound ArchonBook of Races, HowlerBook of Races, Ibixian
Book of Races, IllumianBook of Races, JaebrinBook of Races, Juggernaut
Book of Races, KaortiBook of Races, KillorenBook of Races, Kolyarut
Book of Races, Llolth-TouchedBook of Races, Loviatar's ChosenBook of Races, Lycan
Book of Races, LythariBook of Races, MaelephantBook of Races, Minotaur
Book of Races, NegataiBook of Races, NeraphimBook of Races, Nobarian
Book of Races, One-EyedBook of Races, Pech LordBook of Races, Pharlan
Book of Races, PhoelarchBook of Races, PlanewalkerBook of Races, Radiance Genasi
Book of Races, RhekBook of Races, Rilmani
Book of Races, SalamanderBook of Races, ShadowswyftBook of Races, Shard
Book of Races, SidheBook of Races, SkaldclanBook of Races, Solarborn
Book of Races, SpelljammerBook of Races, SpikerBook of Races, Stargazer
Book of Races, StingerBook of Races, StonebloodedBook of Races, Tanarukk
Book of Races, Thri-KreenBook of Races, ThunderbornBook of Races, Treant
Book of Races, TulaniBook of Races, UndyingBook of Races, Urdunnir
Book of Races, VaatiBook of Races, Velsharoon's ChosenBook of Races, Verdant Prince
Book of Races, WemicBook of Races, Whisper GnomeBook of Races, Xeph
Book of Races, YukioBook of Races, Zenythri
BooksBooming Pyre's Circle
Boots of Acuity +10Boots of Axeria Imperia
Boots of Axeria Imperia - BardBoots of Axeria Imperia - ClericBoots of Axeria Imperia - Druid
Boots of Axeria Imperia - SorcererBoots of Axeria Imperia - WizardBoots of Bolstering
Boots of Hardiness +12Boots of Luck +11Boots of Luck +9
Boots of Resilience +8Boots of SturdinessBoots of the Axerian Grandmaster (Cleric)
Boots of the Axerian Grandmaster (Druid)Boots of the Axerian Grandmaster (Sorcerer)Boots of the Axerian Grandmaster (Wizard)
Boots of the BastionBoots of the Frost-bornBoots of the Song-born
Boots of the Sun Soul +10Boots of the Sun Soul +12Boots of the Wanderer
Boots of the immortalBoragin's Giantslayers
Bottled SoulBottomless Box of Acidic Blast BoltsBottomless Box of Clockwork Bolts
Bottomless Box of Corruptor BoltsBottomless Box of Divine PingsBottomless Box of Wings of Corruption
Bountiful Beaker of HealingBracer of Pelion
Bracers of Charming +10Bracers of Great ResilienceBracers of Magic Shielding
Bracers of Many EyesBracers of Martial ProwessBracers of Pelion
Bracers of SunderingBracers of Uncanny ResistanceBracers of Weaponcraft +10
Bracers of the ImmortalBracers of the MountainBrachina's Caress
Brave the VoidBrawler's AugmenterBrawny Baffle +10
Brazen DefianceBrazier of Painful TruthBreach Ball

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