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AA bows
ABO Horologe of Undoing
A Blanket of Bones
A Chattering Noise
A Cold Fever
A Differing Vision
A Distant Threat
A Ghastly Hue
A Hideous Truth
A Light in the Dark
A Lock of Sune Firehair's Hair
A Permanent Drain
A Position of Strength
A Stick in the Eye
A Stinking Trail
A Strange Death
A Twilight Pall
A fortunate finding in Oinos
A guide to crafting weapons
Aasgart's Assault
Aasgart's Aversion
Abandoned Farm
Abandoned Farm House
Abandoned Farm House Cellar
Abandoned Mine
Abandoned Temple
Abandoned Temple Level 1
Abandoned Temple Level 2
Abandoned Temple Level 3
Abandoned Treehouse
Abandoned to Ice
Abhorrent Cold
Abhorrent Vacuum
Abi-Dalzim's Vile Device
Ability Check Gear
Ability Checks
Abishai Claw
Abjurer's Bane
Aboleths Lore
Abyss Mord/Breach Guide
Abyssal Assassin's Augmenter
Abyssal Avenger's Augmenter
Abyssal Berserker's Augmenter
Abyssal Bishop's Augmenter
Abyssal Craftsman's Augmenter
Abyssal Crusader's Augmenter
Abyssal Field Marshal's Augmenter
Abyssal Girdle
Abyssal Helm
Abyssal Magician's Augmenter
Abyssal Minstrel's Augmenter
Abyssal Monast's Augmenter
Abyssal Mushroom
Abyssal Overlord's Augmenter
Abyssal Pathfinder's Augmenter
Abyssal Potion of Resinous Grasp
Abyssal Potion of Stygian Defense
Abyssal Rebel's Augmenter
Abyssal Retort
Abyssal Scholar's Augmenter
Abyssal Shaman's Augmenter
Abyssal Splinter
Abyssal Surgeon's Augmenter
Abyssal Swashbuckler's Augmenter
Abyssal Swordsman's Augmenter
Abyssal Tactician's Augmenter
Abyssal Usurper's Augmenter
Accursed Pariah
Accursed Pariah Builds
Accusing Statue
Acid Fog
Acid Splash
Acidic Cinder Coronet
Acidic Suppuration
Acolyte of the Morninglord
Acrobat's Augmenter
Adroit Augmenter
Agium Eragus
Ahala's Arc
Ainafea's Masterwork Belt
Air Ruvoka
Air Weird Essence
Ak'Chazar Rakshasa
Ak-Chazar Rakshasa - Female
Ak-Chazar Rakshasa - Male
Akuna Makai
Al-Fazab's Augmenter
Al-Salak Camel Slayer
Alderson's Corselet
Aleithian Dwarf
Alhanna's Augmenter
Aligned to Different Sides
Alignment Change
Alkilith Slime Coated Cover
All Bleed Away
Alterant Bulwark
Amber Ward
Amnizu's Touch
Amnizu Eye
Amorian Berries
Amorian Drape
Amorphous Armament
Amulet of Adaptation
Amulet of Axeria Imperia
Amulet of Axeria Imperia - Bard
Amulet of Axeria Imperia - Cleric
Amulet of Axeria Imperia - Druid
Amulet of Axeria Imperia - Sorcerer
Amulet of Axeria Imperia - Wizard
Amulet of Eramus
Amulet of Erul Zaar
Amulet of Hadean Power
Amulet of Hadean Power Bard
Amulet of Hadean Power Cleric
Amulet of Hadean Power Druid
Amulet of Hadean Power Sorcerer
Amulet of Hadean Power Wizard
Amulet of Jialonna
Amulet of Ordered Malevolence
Amulet of Osyngar
Amulet of Unbroken Balance
Amulet of the Arch Priest
Amulet of the Axerian Grandmaster (Cleric)
Amulet of the Axerian Grandmaster (Sorcerer)
Amulet of the Axerian Grandmaster (Wizard)
Amulet of the Darkest Depths
Amulet of the Immortal
Amulet of the Legendary Defender
Amulet of the Pharoah
Amulet of the Raised Fist
An'ywen's Hook
Anbaric Lance
Ancient's Lair
Ancient Cave
Ancient Dragon Blood
Ancient Tomb
Ancient Warrior's Essence
Ancient dragon blood
Anduins Chapel
Angel's Charge
Anger of Abriymoch
Angry Augmenter
Animate Dead
Anklets of the Sheinja
Anklets of the Tartarian
Anniversary Gift
Anthem of Despair
Antilife Grenades
Antimagic Ray
Apport Arcane
Appraising Touch
Aquan Brainstem
Aquatic Elf
Arakin's Casement
Arakin's Favor
Arcadian Fire
Arcane Academy
Arcane Archer
Arcane Archer Bows
Arcane Archer builds
Arcane Archive
Arcane Bow
Arcane Lustre
Arcane Volt Guard
Arcane spells with no somatic component
Arcanist's Assay
Archaic Brand
Archer's Union
Arctic Assault Crossbow
Arctic Blade
Arctic Dwarf
Arctic Enclave
Arctic Enclosure
Arctic Field
Arctic Forest
Arctic Refuge
Arctic Scout Crossbow
Arctic Valley
Arctic Wastes
Area Example
Area Weapons
Area level list
Area of effect
Arf's Avenger
Aria's Infamous Inflamer
Aria of the Unfaltering
Arka's Guards
Arm of the Cinderscale
Armament of Avernus
Armor Shop
Armor class
Armor of Solis
Armor of the Ancientslayer
Arowynn's Acclaim
Arowynn's Circle
Arrows of Wasting
Artaaglith Eye
Artificer's Gloves
Artificer's Monograph: Armor Restoration
Artificer's Monograph: Augment Destruction
Artificer's Monograph: Augment Extraction
Artificer's Monograph: Item Normalization
Artificer's Monograph: Property Reconfiguration
Artificer's Monograph: Property Removal
Artificer's Monograph: Property Restoration
Artist's Bo Stick
Ascension High Priest
Ascension Sewer
Ashen Shugar's Lifethread
Ashley's Ripper
Asmodeus' Touch
Assassin's Augmenter
Assassin Spells
Assassin builds
Assay Resistance
Astral Dusk
Atomie Shortbow
Atrificer's Gloves
Attack Bonus
Attack bonus cap
Attacks per round
Attempted Link
Audacious Provocation
Audible Thud
Augmenter of Acid Repulsion
Augmenter of Biofeedback
Augmenter of Blow Absorption
Augmenter of Burning Howls
Augmenter of Burning Ice
Augmenter of Charged Corrosion
Augmenter of Cold Repulsion
Augmenter of Echoed Bile
Augmenter of Electrical Repulsion
Augmenter of Fall
Augmenter of Fiery Bolts
Augmenter of Fire Repulsion
Augmenter of Focused Abjuring
Augmenter of Focused Divining
Augmenter of Focused Enchanting
Augmenter of Focused Evoking
Augmenter of Focused Fascinating
Augmenter of Focused Necromancing
Augmenter of Frozen Venom
Augmenter of Greater Divining
Augmenter of Greater Necromancy
Augmenter of Icy Friction
Augmenter of Masterful Light Crossbow-Work
Augmenter of Masterful Long Sword-Work
Augmenter of Masterful Slinging
Augmenter of Masterful Staff-Work
Augmenter of Masterful Transmuting
Augmenter of Potent Casting
Augmenter of Precision Assassin Dagger-Work
Augmenter of Precision Battle Axe-Work
Augmenter of Precision Club-Work
Augmenter of Precision Dagger-Work
Augmenter of Precision Dart Throwing
Augmenter of Precision Dire Mace-Work
Augmenter of Precision Double Axe-Work
Augmenter of Precision Double Pick-Work
Augmenter of Precision Double Scimitar-Work
Augmenter of Precision Goad-Work
Augmenter of Precision Great Sword-Work
Augmenter of Precision Halberd-Work
Augmenter of Precision Hand Axe-Work
Augmenter of Precision Kama-Work
Augmenter of Precision Katana-Work
Augmenter of Precision Kukri-Work
Augmenter of Precision Light Crossbow-Work
Augmenter of Precision Light Pick-Work
Augmenter of Precision Long Sword-Work
Augmenter of Precision Nunchaku-Work
Augmenter of Precision Sap-Work
Augmenter of Precision Scimtar-Work
Augmenter of Precision Scythe-Work
Augmenter of Precision Short Sword-Work
Augmenter of Precision Shortbow-Work
Augmenter of Precision Shruiken Throwing
Augmenter of Precision Sickle-Work
Augmenter of Precision Staff-Work
Augmenter of Precision Striking
Augmenter of Precision Throwing Axe-Work
Augmenter of Precision War Hammer-Work
Augmenter of Precision Wind Fire Wheel-Work
Augmenter of Seasons
Augmenter of Skilled Assassin Dagger-Work
Augmenter of Skilled Club-Work
Augmenter of Skilled Great Sword-Work
Augmenter of Skilled Light Crossbow-Work
Augmenter of Skilled Striking
Augmenter of Skilled Two-Bladed Sword-Work
Augmenter of Skilled War Hammer-Work
Augmenter of Sonic Repulsion
Augmenter of Spring
Augmenter of Summer
Augmenter of Thunderous Claps
Augmenter of Vitreous Burning
Augmenter of Winter
Augmenter of Wintry Blasts
Augmenter of the Aboleth
Augmenter of the Acolyte
Augmenter of the Adept Ape
Augmenter of the Adept Spider
Augmenter of the Adept Tortoise
Augmenter of the Alert
Augmenter of the Archmagus
Augmenter of the Astute Hare
Augmenter of the Astute Silkworm
Augmenter of the Attentive
Augmenter of the Bard
Augmenter of the Blade
Augmenter of the Blooded
Augmenter of the Brigand
Augmenter of the Buzzard
Augmenter of the Cautious Eagle
Augmenter of the Cautious Ferret
Augmenter of the Cautious Hound
Augmenter of the Cautious Moth
Augmenter of the Cautious Silkworm
Augmenter of the Cautious Thrush
Augmenter of the Channeler
Augmenter of the Club
Augmenter of the Combat Magus
Augmenter of the Composer
Augmenter of the Cruel
Augmenter of the Crusader
Augmenter of the Dagger
Augmenter of the Deulist
Augmenter of the Devious Eagle
Augmenter of the Diva
Augmenter of the Dual-Wielder
Augmenter of the Duelist
Augmenter of the Eagle
Augmenter of the Envoy
Augmenter of the Falcon
Augmenter of the Fallen
Augmenter of the Flail
Augmenter of the Forest's Defender
Augmenter of the Friar
Augmenter of the Frog
Augmenter of the Frugal Tortoise
Augmenter of the General
Augmenter of the Gleeman
Augmenter of the Gopher
Augmenter of the Greatsword
Augmenter of the Guide
Augmenter of the Guileful Ape
Augmenter of the Guileful Mantis
Augmenter of the Hammer
Augmenter of the Hawk
Augmenter of the Hearkening Charger
Augmenter of the Hearkening Ferret
Augmenter of the Hearkening Parrot
Augmenter of the Heirophant
Augmenter of the Hero
Augmenter of the Hunter
Augmenter of the Intent Ant
Augmenter of the Intent Chameleon
Augmenter of the Intent Crow
Augmenter of the Intent Ferret
Augmenter of the Intent Hare
Augmenter of the Intent Mantis
Augmenter of the Intent Moth
Augmenter of the Intent Raccoon
Augmenter of the Intent Thrush
Augmenter of the Intuit
Augmenter of the Jester
Augmenter of the Keeper
Augmenter of the Killer
Augmenter of the Knife
Augmenter of the Kukri
Augmenter of the Lance
Augmenter of the Learned Ape
Augmenter of the Learned Hare
Augmenter of the Learned Hound
Augmenter of the Learned Mantis
Augmenter of the Learned Mouse
Augmenter of the Learned Thrush
Augmenter of the Lizard
Augmenter of the Mace
Augmenter of the Magus
Augmenter of the Maul
Augmenter of the Minstrel
Augmenter of the Mole
Augmenter of the Myrmidon
Augmenter of the Newt
Augmenter of the Ooze
Augmenter of the Packrat
Augmenter of the Performer
Augmenter of the Persuasive Silkworm
Augmenter of the Practiced Ape
Augmenter of the Practiced Mantis
Augmenter of the Practiced Tortoise
Augmenter of the Prepared Charger
Augmenter of the Preserver
Augmenter of the Quiet Ape
Augmenter of the Quiet Dove
Augmenter of the Quiet Hare
Augmenter of the Quiet Mockingbird
Augmenter of the Quiet Spider
Augmenter of the Robust Crow
Augmenter of the Robust Mantis
Augmenter of the Robust Mouse
Augmenter of the Roc
Augmenter of the Salamander
Augmenter of the Shambler
Augmenter of the Singer
Augmenter of the Skirmisher
Augmenter of the Spear
Augmenter of the Squire
Augmenter of the Stake
Augmenter of the Stalker
Augmenter of the Stalwart Ape
Augmenter of the Stalwart Hound
Augmenter of the Stalwart Parrot
Augmenter of the Stalwart Stag
Augmenter of the Stealthy Flea
Augmenter of the Stealthy Mantis
Augmenter of the Stealthy Parrot
Augmenter of the Stealthy Raccoon
Augmenter of the Stealthy Stag
Augmenter of the Stealthy Tortoise
Augmenter of the Swaggering Ape
Augmenter of the Swaggering Mantis
Augmenter of the Swaggering Tortoise
Augmenter of the Swashbuckler
Augmenter of the Sword
Augmenter of the Tainted
Augmenter of the Talented Charger
Augmenter of the Talented Spider
Augmenter of the Templar
Augmenter of the Thieving Ape
Augmenter of the Trident
Augmenter of the Troll
Augmenter of the Turtle
Augmenter of the Veteran
Augmenter of the Vigilant Eagle
Augmenter of the Vigilant Flea
Augmenter of the Vigilant Mockingbird
Augmenter of the Vigilant Moth
Augmenter of the Vigilant Parrot
Augmenter of the Vile
Augmenter of the Warcaster
Augmenter of the Warlord
Augmenter of the Wary
Augmenter of the Watchful
Augmenter of the Watchful Dove
Augmenter of the Watchful Mantis
Augmenter of the Watchful Spider
Augmenter of the Watchful Tortoise
Augmenter of the Weaponmaster
Augmenter of the Wicked
Augmenter of the Wild Ape
Augmenter of the Wild Conch
Augmenter of the Wild Eagle
Augmenter of the Wild Mockingbird
Augmenter of the Wild Thrush
Augmenter of the Wizard
Augmenter of the Worm
Augmenter of the Xorn
Aura Versus Alignment
Aura of Anhur
Aura of Glory
Aura of Vitality
Auran Glands
Av's Avenger
Avenger's Augmenter
Avernan Emberstone
Avernian Dragonblood Flowers - Blue
Avernian Dragonblood Flowers - Prismatic
Avernian Dragonblood Flowers - Red
Awakened Augury
Axe of Nessus
Axe of the Heralds
Axe of the Master
Axe of the Sentinel
Axerian Matrix
Axerian Switch
Axerian Utility Blade
Axis Erundia
Azzagrat Woodsman's Axe
Baalzebul's Gold
Baatezu Plate
Baator's Embrace
Baatorian Fist
Baatorian Green steel bar
Babbling Fish
Badlander Halfling
Badlander Spear
Bag of Bees
Bahamut's Ruination
Bakchuda's Basher
Balagarn's Barrier
Balagarn's Iron Horn
Balagarns Iron Horn
Balagorn's Barrier
Balagorn's Iron Horn
Balance-saving Augmenter
Balanced Moons
Balefire Seal
Ball Lightning
Band of Anubis
Band of Bellaynish
Band of Caustic Hunger
Band of Cyriam
Band of Hagesh
Band of Kogolor
Band of Min
Band of Naklen
Band of Shaamros Gellantara
Band of anubis
Band of the Dark Queen
Bandit Archer
Bandit Camp
Bandit Chief
Bandit Mage
Bandit Rogue
Bandolier of Bountiful Acidburn Darts
Bandolier of Bountiful Assassin's Assails
Bandolier of Bountiful Blitz Darts
Bandolier of Bountiful Cold Darts
Bandolier of Bountiful Forked Tongues
Bane Knight
Bane Knight Builds
Bane of Spellcasters
Baneblast's Wing
Baneblasts Wing
Bank of Waukeen
Bar of D'qarite
Barbarian Fast Movement
Barbarian builds
Barbaric Yawp
Barbazu's Wrap
Barbazu Ear
Barbed Devil Spike
Bard Song
Bard builds
Bardic Vestments
Base Augmenter
Base attack bonus
Baseborn Titan
Basic Feet
Bastard Sword Wielder's Augmenter
Basti's Barriers
Bastion of Cormyr
Bastion of Ungorth Reddik
Bastion of the Fallen Lord
Battered Spirits
Battle Axe Wielder's Augmenter
Battle Boots
Battle Boots +10
Battleaxe of Avernus
Battlerager Bliss
Battlerager Hammer
Bauphin's Bulwark
Bauphins Bulwark
Beacon of Azzagrat
Bead of Ralishaz
Bear's Paw
Because Less is More
Beetle-Waxed Hide
Beetle Cave
Beetle Caves
Beginner Pale Master Guide
Beginning to Scream
Beholder Prison
Beholder Tunnels
Beldoin's Spellturner
Bell of Ashirin
Bell of Ashirn
Bellamin Cone
Bellicose Augmenter
Belt of Agility +10
Belt of Agility +9
Belt of Anuar
Belt of Bestial Resilience
Belt of Eternal Preservation
Belt of Legendary Resiliance
Belt of Legendary Resilience
Belt of Narendil
Belt of Transient Preservation
Belt of the Axerian Battlecaster (Cleric)
Belt of the Axerian Battlecaster (Sorcerer)
Belt of the Axerian Battlecaster (Wizard)
Belt of the Axerian Grandmaster (Bard)
Belt of the Axerian Grandmaster (Cleric)
Belt of the Axerian Grandmaster (Druid)
Belt of the Axerian Grandmaster (Sorcerer)
Belt of the Axerian Grandmaster (Wizard)
Belt of the Immortal
Belt of the Titan
Belt of the Warmaster
Berserker's Augmenter
Bestial Harmony
Bestiary: Aboleths
Bestiary: Abyss
Bestiary: Abyss/ABPV
Bestiary: Abyss/Demons
Bestiary: Abyss/Humanoids
Bestiary: Abyss/Other
Bestiary: Arcane Archive
Bestiary: Black Pyramid
Bestiary: Catacombs of Dulvuroth
Bestiary: Desert
Bestiary: Elemental Plane of Air
Bestiary: Elemental Plane of Earth
Bestiary: Elemental Plane of Fire
Bestiary: Elemental Plane of Water
Bestiary: Elemental Planes
Bestiary: Elysium
Bestiary: Example
Bestiary: Feywild
Bestiary: Hells
Bestiary: Hive
Bestiary: Limbo
Bestiary: Locathah Depths
Bestiary: Manatakloss
Bestiary: Maze of the Ancients
Bestiary: Myconid Depths
Bestiary: Oinos
Bestiary: Penumbra
Bestiary: Pit of Moliation
Bestiary: Rona
Bestiary: Ssithraks
Bestiary: Toyshop
Bestiary: Tragidore
Bestiary: Uroboros Peak
Bestiary: Zorbgot's Hive
Bestow Curse
Beyond Ultra-Rare Subrace
Beyond ultra-rares
Beyond ultra rares
Bhaalus Bane
Biding Time
Bigby's Clenched Fist
Bigby's Crushing Hand
Bigby's Forceful Hand
Bigby's Grasping Hand
Bigby's Interposing Hand
Bigby's Left Hook
Bilestone Bar
Bilestone Shield
Bilgefester's Locket
Bio-Interface Bracers
Bishop's Augmenter
Bitter Talons
Black Belt of the Dim Mak Master
Black Blade of Disaster
Black Iron Bar
Black Pearl's Grace
Black Powder Barrel
Black Pudding Pseudopod
Black Pyramid
Black Pyramid - Annex of the Seal
Black Pyramid - Entrance
Blackflame Plate
Blackguard builds
Blackstaff's Augmenter
Blackstaff's Blessing
Blade Barrier
Blade Thirst
Blade of Belial
Blade of Fierna
Blade of the Axerian Guard
Blade of the Dark Templars
Blade of the Death Dealer
Blade of the Emperor
Blade of the Fallen Colossus
Blades of Garet Jax
Bladeweed Leaf
Blazebolt's Eye
Blazebolts Eye
Blazing Augmenter
Blazon of Selune
Bleeding Heart
Bless Weapon
Blessed Bequest
Blessed Silence
Blessing of Nephiris
Blistering Radiance
Blood Frenzy
Blood Sport
Blood of Dach'xilith'az'ichityl
Blood of Dachy
Blood of MoaD
Blood of Ssssy'is
Blood of Toril
Blood of Uroboros
Blood of Veiros
Bloodfire Mage
Bloodfire Mage Builds
Bloodsilk Belt
Bloodstained Boots
Blunt Force Trauma
Blunt Reproach
Boat Ramp
Boccob's Augmenter
Boil Lancer
Bonding Resin
Bonds of Decay
Bonus Class Subraces
Book of Bones
Book of Races
Book of Races, Air Ruvoka
Book of Races, Ak'Chazar Rakshasa
Book of Races, Ak'Chazar Rakshaza
Book of Races, Aleithian Dwarf
Book of Races, Alu-Fiend
Book of Races, Anarch
Book of Races, Armand
Book of Races, Atomie
Book of Races, Banshrae
Book of Races, Baseborn Titan
Book of Races, Battlerager
Book of Races, Brownie
Book of Races, Buomman
Book of Races, Cambion
Book of Races, Chaos Gnome
Book of Races, Corrupter of Fate
Book of Races, Dao-kin
Book of Races, Deathless
Book of Races, Doppelganger
Book of Races, Doppleganger
Book of Races, Dracotaur
Book of Races, Dragonblooded
Book of Races, Dream Dwarf
Book of Races, Drow Noble
Book of Races, Erinyes
Book of Races, Fallen
Book of Races, Fallen Angel
Book of Races, Favored of Gruumsh
Book of Races, Favored of Mielikki
Book of Races, Favored of Primus
Book of Races, Favored of Solonor
Book of Races, Furchin
Book of Races, Genie
Book of Races, Gith Precursor
Book of Races, God-Blooded
Book of Races, Good-Blooded
Book of Races, Half-Celestial
Book of Races, Half-Cloud Giant
Book of Races, Half-Cyclops
Book of Races, Half-Djinni
Book of Races, Half-Dogai
Book of Races, Half-Efreeti
Book of Races, Half-Eladrin
Book of Races, Half-Excruciarch
Book of Races, Half-Fiend
Book of Races, Half-Goliath
Book of Races, Half-Guardinal
Book of Races, Half-Janni
Book of Races, Half-Kyton
Book of Races, Half-Lillend
Book of Races, Half-Molydeus
Book of Races, Half-Ogre Mage
Book of Races, Half-Storm Archon
Book of Races, Half-Sword Archon
Book of Races, Hound Archon
Book of Races, Howler
Book of Races, Ibixian
Book of Races, Illumian
Book of Races, Jaebrin
Book of Races, Juggernaut
Book of Races, Kaorti
Book of Races, Killoren
Book of Races, Kolyarut
Book of Races, Llolth-Touched
Book of Races, Loviatar's Chosen
Book of Races, Lycan
Book of Races, Lythari
Book of Races, Maelephant
Book of Races, Minotaur
Book of Races, Negatai
Book of Races, Neraphim
Book of Races, Nobarian
Book of Races, One-Eyed
Book of Races, Pech Lord
Book of Races, Pharlan
Book of Races, Phoelarch
Book of Races, Planewalker
Book of Races, Radiance Genasi
Book of Races, Rhek
Book of Races, Rilmani
Book of Races, Rilminai
Book of Races, Salamander
Book of Races, Shadowswyft
Book of Races, Shard
Book of Races, Sidhe
Book of Races, Skaldclan
Book of Races, Solarborn
Book of Races, Spelljammer
Book of Races, Spiker
Book of Races, Stargazer
Book of Races, Stinger
Book of Races, Stoneblooded
Book of Races, Tanarukk
Book of Races, Thri-Kreen
Book of Races, Thunderborn
Book of Races, Treant
Book of Races, Tulani
Book of Races, Undying
Book of Races, Urdunnir
Book of Races, Vaati
Book of Races, Velsharoon's Chosen
Book of Races, Verdant Prince
Book of Races, Wemic
Book of Races, Whisper Gnome
Book of Races, Xeph
Book of Races, Yukio
Book of Races, Zenythri
Book of races, Treant
Books of Races
Booming Pyre's Circle
Boots of Acuity +10
Boots of Axeria Imperia
Boots of Axeria Imperia - Bard
Boots of Axeria Imperia - Cleric
Boots of Axeria Imperia - Druid
Boots of Axeria Imperia - Sorcerer
Boots of Axeria Imperia - Wizard
Boots of Bolstering
Boots of Hardiness +12
Boots of Luck +11
Boots of Luck +9
Boots of Resilience +8
Boots of Sturdiness
Boots of the Axerian Grandmaster (Cleric)
Boots of the Axerian Grandmaster (Druid)
Boots of the Axerian Grandmaster (Sorcerer)
Boots of the Axerian Grandmaster (Wizard)
Boots of the Bastion
Boots of the Frost-born
Boots of the Song-born
Boots of the Sun Soul +10
Boots of the Sun Soul +12
Boots of the Wanderer
Boots of the bastion
Boots of the immortal
Boragin's Giantslayers
Bottled Soul
Bottomless Box of Acidic Blast Bolts
Bottomless Box of Clockwork Bolts
Bottomless Box of Corruptor Bolts
Bottomless Box of Divine Pings
Bottomless Box of Wings of Corruption
Bottonless Box of Divine Pings
Boulder in a Pantaloon
Bountiful Beaker of Healing
Bracer of Pelion
Bracers of Charming +10
Bracers of Great Resilience
Bracers of Magic Shielding
Bracers of Many Eyes
Bracers of Martial Prowess
Bracers of Pelion
Bracers of Sundering
Bracers of Uncanny Resistance
Bracers of Weaponcraft +10
Bracers of the Immortal
Bracers of the Mountain
Brachina's Caress
Brave the Void
Brawler's Augmenter
Brawny Baffle +10
Brazen Defiance
Brazier of Painful Truth
Breach Ball
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